Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Italian Engineer announces commercial 'Cold Fusion' reactor

Italian Engineer announces commercial 'Cold Fusion' reactor:

Italian engineer Andrea Rossi and Professor Sergio Focardi of the University of Bologna announced in January 2011 that they have mastered an energy catalyzing technology that produces heat from a reaction between hydrogen, nickel and some other - so far secret - ingredients. Their press conference on 14 January 2011 was preceded by an invitation-only demonstration of the reactor attended by press and scientists.


They are careful not to describe their reactor as a "Cold Fusion" generator - probably because the term has become so controversial it is almost impossible to have a serious discussion about its practical application. Sterling Allan has been reporting on this development in PESWiki:

Directory:Andrea A. Rossi Cold Fusion Generator

Rossi has been into alternative energy for many years. It was in the 1970s and 1980s that Rossi was busy building garbage disposal facilities that burned household garbage and utilized the recovered heat. During that period, he found out how to not only recover heat from burning garbage but also to turn garbage into fuel. His company, Petroldragon, had a valid garbage-to-fuel technology that could turn household waste into combustible oil, coal and gas. Production had started and reached some 20 tons of fuel oil a day in 1989, when corrupt bureaucrats started to attack.

The first step was to tax his process just as if he was producing alcohol, making the resulting fuel ridiculously expensive. When he opposed the unjust tax, the next step was a challenge that proved more difficult: the bureaucrats asserted that the garbage stocked and ready to be transformed in his production facilities wasn't raw material for his process but was an illegal and fraudulent attempt to hide and "treat toxic garbage" for which he had no license.


Andrea Rossi in front of an early (1970s) prototype of his garbage-to-fuel reactor

Rossi was imprisoned on trumped up eco-charges for trying to produce an ecologically sustainable fuel that did not come from petroleum deposits, and after one of his companies was forced into bankruptcy, he was again imprisoned for not paying his creditors ... great government support for alternative energy technologies, one might say. That whole sad story is well documented on Rossi's website:

The beginning, the media boom around Petroldragon, plans for the future

But let's get back to "cold fusion" and its first real commercial implementation.

As we have seen, Rossi is a serious industrialist and not one to give up easily. His announcement of a new energy technology, based on a catalytic process involving hydrogen, nickel and a few other elements has made waves in the blogosphere, but strangely, the mainstream media have stayed away from the story. It is almost as if they were afraid to repeat the disaster of the Fleischmann and Pons revelations about their "cold fusion" discovery, where glowing press reports had brought every skeptic on the face of the earth out of lethargy, "proving" that such low energy nuclear processes were just not possible - as if forbidden by the laws of physics we know.

No matter that the Pons and Fleischmann process has since been replicated hundreds of times with several variations, and been described in what must be thousands of published articles (see collection of papers on lenr-canr.org), that numerous experimenters and theoreticians have been working on lifting low temperature fusion's secrets and explaining the transformation of certain elements observed during the experiments, no matter that we now have an actually workable and controllable implementation of the principle ... there is a great silence of the media that are supposed to inform us.

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