Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Kol Tregaskes (friend of Lindsey Smith): A Hard Wipe (via FriendFeed)

Kol Tregaskes (friend of Lindsey Smith): A Hard Wipe (via FriendFeed):

Kol Tregaskes (friend of Lindsey Smith) posted a link

A Hard Wipe

Lindsey Smith, Steve, Mathias Pastwa and 7 other people liked this
Ooouuch! - Kol Tregaskes
ass-munch - Josh Haley
Stanaless Steel - John Maverickton
That roll has an ass to grind with you - Josh Haley
You'll loose your zest for life - John Maverickton
It is grate on ham... - John Maverickton
DO! NOT! WANT! - Heather Maverickina
That;s the type of stuff they had to use on the Enterprise... really hard to get rid of those Klingons - John Maverickton
The original scuttlebutt - Josh Haley
For getting those pesky butt-yuns off - Josh Haley
New device for the Lumberjack Back Sack 'n' Crack Wax - John Maverickton
Good alternative to Preparation H - Matt
Cylon Toilet Paper - Josh Haley
Toilet paper for the grater good - Josh Haley
Oh dear! - Nicholas Kreidberg

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