Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Star Wars: The Clone Wars Extended Scene Online

Star Wars: The Clone Wars Extended Scene Online:

Yahoo Movies has premiered almost 4 minutes of footage from the upcoming Star Wars: The Clone Wars animated film (click through to see it nice and pretty or watch the YouTube capture, above), hitting theatres on August 15th. Simultaneously, The Times Online has published a new interview with director, George Lucas, giving some insight into his history with and passion for animation:

“Right at the beginning, I wanted to be an illustrator,” he explains. “Then I wanted to go to art school, to an arts centre in Los Angeles. My father said, ‘No way - you are not going to be an artist. Artists don’t make any money, and I won’t pay for that.’ Knowing I was a lazy underachiever then, he knew I wasn’t going to pursue that seriously. It was hard, but I do believe that, in the end, if I had gone to the arts centre and started to be an illustrator, I would probably have drifted into animation, and would probably have moved into Star Wars, just like I did."

Read the full article here: The Times Online
View/Download the Scene in HD here: Yahoo Movies

Previously on fps:
Star Wars: Clone Wars Volume One
Star Wars: Clone Wars Volume Two

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